Painful Periods are Optional

Anyone who suffers from Menstrual Cramps can attest that they are anywhere from annoying to downright debilitating.  Some people even have to take days off from work or cancel social events due to the pain and accompanying symptoms.

Often, when I am doing an intake and ask about period pain, the response is, “I just get the normal cramps.”   However, you should know that painful periods are NOT normal, even though they are common. They can and should be addressed, especially if you are trying to get pregnant.

In Chinese Medicine, there can be different reasons for painful periods, and each one is treated a little differently with an appropriate herbal formula and acupuncture treatment.

Blood Stagnation refers to an actual substantial mass of some kind that creates stasis in the lower abdomen.  In this category, we would see things like endometriosis, fibroids or polyps.  In these cases the actual mass must be resolved to allow the proper flow of blood in the area.  

Qi Stagnation refers to functional pain that is occurring even though there is no physical obstruction in the area.  This has to do with how smoothly your hormonal transitions are  throughout the cycle and if the prostaglandins (which are the chemicals that signal the uterus to contract to help the lining shed) are doing so gently or violently. This phenomenon can be caused by hormonal imbalances and stress. 

Cold refers to poor circulation from, well, cold.  This kind of pain craves warmth (think: scrambling for your heating pad) and can occur because of too much time swimming in cold water, sitting on cold pavement or eating/drinking too many cold foods or iced beverages.  This is an extremely common problem in Western culture.

To make things interesting, there can also be a combination of these occurring, in which case all will need to be addressed in your formula and treatment. In addition to getting acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, here are some things you can do for yourself:

  • Moderate Exercise. The best way to counter stagnation is with movement!  Especially in the week before your period.

  • Avoid swimming in cold water, or eating and drinking cold foods and beverages.

  • Employ stress reduction techniques such as meditation or stretching to relax the pelvic floor and lower back muscles

  • Avoid smoking, which reduces circulation

  • Avoid tampons, which make pain worse for some.

  • Eat cooked cruciferous vegetables to improve the metabolic breakdown of excess hormones, such as cauliflower, broccoli, kale, spinach,brussel sprouts & cabbage

  • Avoid coffee, alcohol, dairy, sugar and industrialized meats

Premenstrual Tea Recipe:

  • Combine ginger, green onion, fennel, orange peel, cinnamon and black pepper

  • Boil for 10 minutes

  • Drink 3 times per day in the week before the period


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